Region V Announcements
Hello Region 5!!! I hope your summer is going well. This will probably be my last announcement to the Region as Chair of Region 5 - I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone in the Region for all of your support and love over the past three years. Now to the important stuff - I wanted to let everyone know that the keynote address given by Steven Dietz at our last Festival is now up and running on our Region 5 webpage. A special thanks obviously to Mr. Dietz for allowing Region 5 to use this keynote for educational purposes. I would also like to thank Scott Brusven for editing the film and Tom Woldt our webmaster for getting this keynote address up and running. I also want to make sure that you pay close attention to the Note listed under the photo of Mr. Dietz: "NOTE: Mr. Dietz has graciously given permission to KCACTF Region 5 to publish his remarks for EDUCATIONALuse only. Any other use or republication is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright law. By clicking start button, you are indicating your acceptance of the stated copyright policies." PACT & ATHE PACT Preconference Topic: Dramaturging Montreal: Embracing issues of country, isolation, and assimilation to inspire playwriting and curriculum reform JULY 29th, 2015 9 am to 5 pm Inspired by the ATHE theme and Quebec motto “Je me souviens,” the PACT Preconference will explore the dramaturgy of Montreal. Heather Helinsky is a dramaturg that playwrights have recognized as “especially adept at freeing energies in unexpected ways” and will be leading our pre-conference event. We will begin by exploring plays by Montreal writers; then, we will adventure out into the city itself for site-specific writing exercises. Our site-specific sessions will have participants writing plays, collaborating with colleagues, and envisioning new curriculum. We plan on partnering with theatre scholars Erin Hurley of McGill, Patrick Leroux of Concordia, Montreal dramaturg Alison Bowie, as well as local museums, theatre spaces, and historic sites. We hope by investigating the work of Montreal playwrights and exploring the narratives of the city itself, we will raise questions of how we can better engage the history of our own communities to create new works that instigate change. To register for this event email PACT Co-Conference Planner Ingrid De Sanctis at[email protected] . Early bird registration is $50.00 before June 26th then the fee will be $60. Payment will be expected on the 29thof July in Montreal before the event begins. For more, start reading our blog: Enjoy the rest of your summer Region 5 and remember to enter your productions for next fall!!! Rick D. Anderson Director of Theatre Kirkwood Community College Chair, Region V, KCACTF (319) 398-5899 ext. 5389 [email protected] Comments are closed.