Attendance required at the 2:00pm meeting Tuesday, January 19th in room P0808A. Please bring your book with you to turn in to the judges. If your scheduled time for your scene/response or interview creates a conflict for you or your actors please bring these concerns to the meeting as well.
Semi-Finals Round 1: Tuesday, January 19, 7-10pm (P0808A) 7:00- Taylor Sklenar, Wandering 7:30- Samantha Rudy, Clarkston 8:00- Kacy Barta, On the Verge 8:30- Gabriel Livingsten, Tribes 9:00- Jessica Debolt, On the Verge Semi-Finals Round 2: Wednesday, January 20, 9 am-12 pm (P0808A) 9:00- Ryan Fortney, On the Verge 9:30- Michael Sheeks, The Fox 10:00- Carrie Winship, On the Verge 10:30- Allison Buell, The Flick Interviews: Wednesday, January 20, 2-5 pm (P0808A) 2:00- Taylor Sklenar 2:15- Samantha Rudy 2:30- Kacy Barta 2:45- Gabriel Livingsten 3:00- Jessica Debolt 3:15- Ryan Fortney 3:30- Michael Sheeks 3:45- Carrie Winship 4:00- Allison Buell Comments are closed.