Happy Opening to the following Region 5 productions opening this week!
Tilly the Trickster at State Fair Community College We Are Proud to Present a Presentation about the Herrero of Nambia... at Southwest Minnesota State University Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at University of Central Missouri Rhinoceros at Benedictine College A Tuna Christmas at Winona State University Dancing at Lughnasa at Riverland Community College Creating Claire at Emporia State University The Lion in Winter at Central College The 1940's Radio Hour at Augustana University Crimes of the Heart at Lake Region State College The Tempest at Waldorf College Much Ado About Nothing at Clarke University The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence at University of Minnesota Duluth Hamlet at Doane College To Kill a Mockingbird at Avila University Nickel and Dimed at Graceland University Young Frankenstein at University of South Dakota The Threepenny Opera at University of Nebraska Omaha ANANSI! at Minnesota State University Moorhead Best wishes to all involved! Comments are closed.