Region 5 - KCACTF
One-Act Play Reading Festival 2019 The Gender Reveal by Kaylin Jones University of Missouri - Columbia Directed by Blake Willoughby Cast List Mia\\tSerena Stoddard Jacob\\tAndre Steward Mama\\tAsher Alt Other Females\\tDe’Janna Scales-Hand Other Males\\tIan Downes Stage Directions\\tZahria Moore John Hughes Wrote My Diary by Paige Quinlivan University of Minnesota, Morris Directed by Ray Schultz Cast List Ms. Dixon/Holly\\tLaura Steblay Tommy\\tEvan Aanerud Claire\\tKatie Booth Chet\\tRyan Stout Marty\\tBailey Soika Stage Directions\\tWendy Unger Fission by Taylor Sklenar University of Missouri - Columbia Directed by Lainie Vansant Cast List Physician\\tKasey Lynch Physicist\\tMurphy Ward Prophet\\tIan Downes Philanthropist\\tZahria Moore Politician\\tCharlie Durham Stage Directions\\tSerena Stoddard \\t Stage Managers Cody Biggerstaff Jaime Thygesen Comments are closed.