Our resident festival arts journalists have been working away, and their excellent writing starts emerging tonight on the "other" ITJA blog. Read the two current posts listed below, and look for upcoming articles, production reviews, interviews and other Festival 49 NEWS! ITJA Blog Main Page: www.kcactf5.org/ITJA-blog.html THE 2017 INSTITUTE OF THEATRE JOURNALISM AND ADVOCACY BIOS Meet the bloggers from KCACTF5 for Festival 49. These are the writers enrolled in this year’s institute whose previews, profiles and reviews will be shared on the Festival blog... http://www.kcactf5.org/itja-blog/itja-participants-bios “Good Kids” Makes a Difference, a preview/interview article for the production.
http://www.kcactf5.org/itja-blog/good-kids-preview-article Comments are closed.