If you are staying at, or otherwise spending time at the Best Western Nicollet Inn Hotel, please note the following about their Wi-Fi Service:
As you may have noticed, that service has been somewhere in the neighborhood of 'spotty'--unable to access, slow 'traffic' speed, intermittent on-and-off the system. I have spoken with them several times over the last forty -eight hours. Here are some conclusions and strategies we have discussed-- -In short, their system has been overloaded with more users than their original capacity was set up for. Since they are, largely, a 'business traveler's' hotel, you can understand why this is. -What they have done-- Yesterday they had people from their cable/web provider come in, and expanded their 'load capacity. ' My most recent testing indicates that 'access' is now much improved, but 'speed' is still not lightning fast. -Here's what we/you could be mindful of in consideration of your fellow festival goers and hotel patrons--1) can you reduce your use and/or time on line? (especially during peak times... mid-morning, late afternoon, evening until Midnight). 2) here are some simple and not too painful strategies for reducing usage A) if you have more than one Wi-Fi device, please turn off the Wi-Fi on one/ s you are not using, B) If You Leave The Hotel, And Leave Device/ s Behind, Please Turn Off Wi-Fi Or Power Down The Unit (Also Saves Your BATTERY!) C) If Your Facebook Or Email Needs Can Be Met In "10 Minutes From Now " Rather Than "Right NOW" Consider Doing So At the Ames Center Or At NORMANDALE CC, since they both have free and good-functioning Wi-Fi. If we can all try to work together on this, service will be better and if people have an immediate need or emergency, access will be more available. Thank You! Tom Woldt Region V Web Manager (and best western 'resident') Comments are closed.