College Fair Information for SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES
Are you looking for that student from a two-year institution that is now ready to transfer to your program or perhaps a potential graduate student and you’re not sure where to find such a student? The answer is simple - the College Fair at the KCACTF Region 5 Festival.
When is the College Fair?
The College Fair is tentatively scheduled at the Region 5 Festival on Thursday, January 23, 2020.
What do I need to provide?
All four year colleges, universities, and graduate programs that wish to participate will need a representative to be available to answer questions from prospective students. We also suggest you bring any printed materials you feel would help prospective students understand your program. Note: the intention of this event is not for institutional representatives to attempt to coax students away from their current institutions; it is to provide interaction between students who are ready to move to the “next level” of their educational journey and representatives of the institutions that might meet their needs.
How can your school get involved with this incredible opportunity?
Simply fill out the form below and a table will be reserved for you. If you have any specific questions or suggestions, contact Emily Ganfield [email protected]
The deadline for entry is Friday, January 10, 2020
Fields marked with red asterisk (*) are required.
Are you looking for that student from a two-year institution that is now ready to transfer to your program or perhaps a potential graduate student and you’re not sure where to find such a student? The answer is simple - the College Fair at the KCACTF Region 5 Festival.
When is the College Fair?
The College Fair is tentatively scheduled at the Region 5 Festival on Thursday, January 23, 2020.
What do I need to provide?
All four year colleges, universities, and graduate programs that wish to participate will need a representative to be available to answer questions from prospective students. We also suggest you bring any printed materials you feel would help prospective students understand your program. Note: the intention of this event is not for institutional representatives to attempt to coax students away from their current institutions; it is to provide interaction between students who are ready to move to the “next level” of their educational journey and representatives of the institutions that might meet their needs.
How can your school get involved with this incredible opportunity?
Simply fill out the form below and a table will be reserved for you. If you have any specific questions or suggestions, contact Emily Ganfield [email protected]
The deadline for entry is Friday, January 10, 2020
Fields marked with red asterisk (*) are required.